Monday, May 18, 2009

Rockin' with the HCP

Considering that I've really only hung out with my California cousins a handful of times in my life, it's improbable to think that I've crossed paths with them twice in a matter of two months. But that has been the case, with the most recent meeting taking place last night.

My traveling cousins are traveling with their band, The Henry Clay People. The HCP bang out my kind of music, which I suppose can only be described genre-wise as alternative rock. (I don't really like that label, but I guess it works.)

So The Henry Clay People were passing through Kansas City last night on their way to Scottsdale, Arizona, to complete the final leg of their tour. They're meeting back up with up-and-coming L.A. based band The Airborne Toxic Event, after finishing up some recent dates with alt-rock veteran Ben Harper and his band the Relentless 7.

Needless to say, good company for my cousins and their bandmates as they try to make names for themselves around the country.

So far, the following for the HCP has been fairly contained to Southern California, but some national exposure is bound to help. The band will be playing next week at the Sasquatch Music Festival in Washington, and in August they'll be part of Lollapalooza in Chicago.

Not bad for four young men who started out playing modest clubs in suburban Los Angeles. Do us all a favor and check them out.

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